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Important Dates

  • Workshop : October 17-18 2019
  • Conference : October 18-21 2019

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Conference Photo Uploaded

October 21st, 2019

Program Updated

October 18th, 2019

QFTA 2019
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Visa Information

All foreign nationals traveling to India are required to possess a valid passport of their country and a valid Indian Visa issued by the Indian Embassy/Indian Consular office in their country.

Foreign nationals visiting India to attend QFTA-2019 may opt for conference/visitor/tourist visa.

You may apply online for a conference visa at the link (https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/-visa/index.html) and click on ‘Regular Visa’. After filling in your personal details on the registration form for visa, applicant need to select Type of Visa as 'CONFERENCE VISA' and the purpose as 'PARTICIPANT OF CONFERENCE ORGANIZED BY GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES'. After registration applicants can start filling the form.

Further in case of conference visa, the Indian Embassy may ask for conference clearance letters from MHA, MEA and MHRD. Recent guidelines available at the website (https://conference.mha.gov.in/FAQ.aspx) of MHA, Govt. of India suggest clearance letter from nodal ministry (MHRD in case of IISER Mohali) is required and responsibility of obtaining conference clearance from MHA and MEA lies with the nodal ministry. We already obtained clearance letter from MHRD, Govt. of India. Please write to us at qfta2019@iisermohali.ac.in if you need any further information.

Invited speakers and selected applicants will be provided with the letters of invitation which must be submitted with the Visa Application form. Please write to us at qfta2019@iisermohali.ac.in if you need any further information. Please apply for the Indian visa at least six weeks before your date of travel. Accompanying persons (not registered for the conference) can travel on a visitor/tourist visa.