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  • Workshop : October 17-18 2019
  • Conference : October 18-21 2019

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October 21st, 2019

Program Updated

October 18th, 2019

QFTA 2019
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7:45 - 09:30 REGISTRATION
9:30 - 11:00 N D Hari Dass Quantum measurements
11:00 - 11:30 TEA BREAK
11:30 - 13:00 Dipankar Home Foundational aspects of quantum mechanics
13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH
14:00 - 15:30 Ritabrata Sengupta Quantum entanglement
15:30 - 16:00 TEA BREAK
16:00 – 17:30 Anil Kumar NMR quantum computation
9:30 - 11:00 Mario Ziman Quantum encryption
11:00 - 11:30 TEA BREAK
11:30 - 13:00 Mandip Singh Photons, entanglement and imaging
13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH
14:00 – 14:30 INAUGURATION
Session 1 - Chair: Prof N D Haridass
14:30 – 15:10 Anil Kumar Quantum Information Processing by NMR: Interesting results from our Laboratory
15:10 - 15:45 Arul Lakshminarayan Entangling power and thermalization
15:45 - 16:05 Shruti Dogra Robustness of a superadiabatic process using a superconducting circuit
16:05 – 16:30 TEA BREAK
Session 2 - Chair: Prof Mario Ziman
16:30 – 17:05 Dipankar Home Certifying, Quantifying and Enhancing Genuine Randomness
17:05 - 17:25 Kaumudibikash Goswami Exploring indefinite causal orde
17:25 - 17:45 Soumyakanti Bose Necessary and Sufficient Criteria for Gaussian Quantum Teleportation
Session 1 - Chair: Prof Dipankar Home
9:30 – 10:10 Lajos Diosi Spontaneous wave function collapse with frame dragging and induced gravity
10:10 - 10:45 N D Hari Dass Asymptotic behaviour of quantum trajectories generated by repeated weak measurements
10:45 - 11:05 Benjamin Garcia Efficient sorting of vector modes
11:05 – 11:30 TEA BREAK
Session 2 - Chair: Prof Anil Kumar
11:50 – 12:25 Mario Ziman Incompatibility and nonlocality of quantum process measurements
12:25 - 13:00 Subhash Chaturvedi Pancharatnam phase and in-phase expansions in terms of coherent states
13:00 - 13:20 Avijit Misra Multifunctional thermal management with a optomechanical system
13:20 – 14:20 LUNCH
13:20 – 15:50 POSTER
15:20 – 15:50 TEA BREAK
Session 3 - Chair: Prof Thomas Konrad
15:50 – 16:25 Ravindra Pratap Singh Controlling spatial modes of down converted photons with superposed vortex beams
16:25 - 17:00 Archan S Majumdar Sequential sharing of quantum nonlocal correlations among multiple observers
17:00 - 17:20 M.S. Sidhu Quantum sensing of vibration and temperature using Nitrogen Vacancy Centers
17:20 - 17:40 Anindya Banerji Controlling the orbital angular momentum spectrum of down converted photons
17:40 - 18:00 Saronath Halder Construction of noisy bound entangled states and the range criterion
Session 1 - Chair: Prof Apoorva Patel
9:30 – 10:10 Dieter Suter Efficient and robust quantum gates for hybrid quantum registers
10:10 - 10:45 Anil Shaji Non-Markovian open dynamics from collision models
10:45 - 11:05 Debmalya Das Quantum heat engine based on level degeneracy
11:05 – 11:30 TEA BREAK
Session 2 - Chair: Prof Lajos Diosi
11:50 – 12:25 Thomas Konrad An alternative test of Bell’s theorem?
12:25 - 12:55 Zafer Gedik Mutually Unbiased Bases and Quantum Computation
12:55 - 13:15 A.P. Yasir Measuring the state of OAM of light
13:15 – 14:15 LUNCH
13:15 – 15:30 POSTER
15:00 – 15:30 TEA BREAK
Session 3 - Chair: Prof Dieter Suter
15:30 – 16:05 T.S. Mahesh Push-Pull Optimization of Quantum Controls
16:05 - 16:40 Ritabrata Sengupta Distinguishability classes, resource sharing, and bound entanglement distribution
16:40 - 17:15 Umakant Rapol Atom-Optic kicks rotor for studies on engineering decoherence, optimal diffusion and Atom interferometry
17:15 - 17:50 Bindiya Arora Role of atomic physics in quantum computation
17:50 - 18:25 Atul Kumar Entanglement, Nonlocal Correlations, and Quantum Games
Session 1 - Chair: Prof Zafer Gedik
9:30 – 10:10 Apoorva Patel Understanding the Born rule in weak quantum measurements
10:10 - 10:45 Rajesh Nair The emission properties of quantum emitters studied using the deterministic changes in the local density of photon state
10:45 - 11:05 Arun Sehrawat Uncertainty relations on the joint numerical range of operators
11:05 – 11:30 TEA BREAK
Session 2 - Chair: Prof. Sushanta K. Dattagupta
12:05 – 12:40 Ajay Kumar Quantum walks perspective in the formal language recognition
12:40 - 13:00 Jaskaran Singh Nirankari Coherence assisted non gaussian measurement device independent quantum key distribution
13:00 - 13:20 Akshay Gaikwad Quantum process tomography
13:20 – 13:45 Vote of Thanks and Awards