Institute: Raman Research Institute (RRI), Bangalore

Principal Investigator: Prof. Urbasi Sinha

Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Arun Kumar Pati

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Ujjwal Sen

Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Aditi Sen De

Quantum communication is the task of sending quantum information, typically represented by strings of qubits that can realized as entangled photons, from one point to another. Quantum information can be shared via quantum channels, realized for example by coherence-preserving optical fibres or transmission through free space, or even through classical channels via quantum teleportation or its close relative, entanglement swapping. Quantum communication is valuable for applications such as information-theoretically secure quantum cryptography employing quantum key distribution or sharing entanglement in a quantum network such as quantum secret sharing, secure quantum computing on the cloud , as a resource for teleportation in quantum computing and quantum-enhanced metrology.

Quantum communication over short distances such as within a laboratory is well developed, but quantum communication over long distance is a challenge. At the single-photon level, such as for single-photon sources or weak coherent states, the reach of quantum communication is finite due to losses and dark counts, and exceeding that bound requires extra technology such as quantum relays or repeaters. A quantum relay is a device that enables entanglement-swapping , and a quantum repeater exploits quantum information processing and quantum memory; the former case delivers unbounded range for quantum communication but at a photon-number cost that is super-exponential in the distance whereas the latter case delivers unbounded range at a photon-number cost that is only polynomial in the distance.

Our aim is to make long-distance quantum communication feasible with existing and near-future technology. Our approach is multi-pronged: improve existing technology via better techniques such as equipment, alignment and electronics; combine accurate numerical modelling with experimental testing to optimize parameter choices; and improve the technology such as quantum memory and parametric down-conversion sources. We will be developing cutting edge technologies for Teleportation in the current project with future goals in entanglement swapping and quantum relay devices towards the national objective of quantum communication based technologies.

Publications from this project:

Title of the Paper
1. Pearson correlation coefficient as a measure for certifying and quantifying high-dimensional entanglement Phys. Rev. A 101, 022112, (2020) C. Jebarathinam, Dipankar Home, and Urbasi Sinha
2. Revisiting comparison between entanglement measures for two-qubit pure states Journal of Optical Society of America B, 37(1), 157-166, 2020 Ashutosh Singh, Ijaz Ahamed, Dipankar Home, and Urbasi Sinha
3. Quantum Slits Open New Doors Scientific American (invited arti-cle), January 2020 issue U. Sinha
4. Entanglement protection in higher-dimensional systems arXiv: 2001.07604 Ashutosh Singh, Urbasi Sinha
5. qkdSim, a Simulation Toolkit for Quantum Key Distribution Including Imperfections: Performance Analysis and Demonstration of the B92 Protocol Using Heralded Photons Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 024036, 2020 Rishab Chatterjee, Kaushik Joarder, Sourav Chatterjee, Barry C. Sanders, and Urbasi Sinha
6. Double-slit interferometry as a lossy beam splitter New Journal of Physics 21113022, 2019 S.Sadana, B.C.Sanders and U.Sinha
7. Near-100% two-photon-like coincidence-visibility dip with classical light and the role of complementarity Phys. Rev. A 100, 013839, 2019 Simanraj Sadana, Debadrita Ghosh, Kaushik Joarder, A. Naga Lakshmi, Barry C. Sanders, and Urbasi Sinha
8. Single-Photon Sources Opticsand Photonics News Vol. 30, Issue 9, pp. 32-39 (2019) Urbasi Sinha, Surya Narayan Sahoo, Ashutosh Singh, Kaushik Joarder, Rishab Chatterjee, and Sanchari Chakraborti
9. Direct determination of entanglement monotones for arbitrary dimensional bipartite states using statistical correlators and one set of complementary measurements arXiv:2201.00131 (accepted for publication in Quantum Science and Technology, August 2022) Debadrita Ghosh, Thomas Jennewein, Urbasi Sinha
10. Measuring average of non-Hermitian operator with weak value in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer Phys. Rev. A 99, 022111, 2019 Gaurav Nirala, Surya Narayan Sahoo, Arun K. Pati, and Urbasi Sinha
11. Quantum State Interferography Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 123601, 2020 Surya Narayan Sahoo, Sanchari Chakraborti, Arun K. Pati, and Urbasi Sinha
12. Massive Spatial Qubits for Testing Macroscopic Nonclassicality and Casimir Induced Entanglement arXiv: 2106.11906 Bin Yi, Urbasi Sinha, Dipankar Home, Anupam Mazumdar, Sougato Bose
13. Loophole free interferometric test of macrorealism using heralded single photons PRX Quantum 3, 010307, 2022 Kaushik Joarder, Debashis Saha, Dipankar Home, Urbasi Sinha
14. Genuine Randomness vis-a-vis Nonlocality: Hardy and Hardy type Relations arXiv:20111.12518 Souradeep Sasmal, Sayan Gangopadhyay, Ashutosh Rai, Dipankar Home, Urbasi Sinha
15. Revisiting comparison between entanglement measures for two-qubit pure states Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol. 37, 1, 157-166 (2020) Ashutosh Singh, Ijaz Ahamed, Dipankar Home, and Urbasi Sinha
16. Pearson correlation coefficient as a measure for certifying and quantifying high-dimensional entanglement Phys. Rev. A 101, 022112, 2020 C. Jebarathinam, Dipankar Home, and Urbasi Sinha
17. An experimenter’s toolkit for simulating Quantum Key Distribution protocol imple-mentations Indian Patent Application No.: 202141023697 (May, 2021) R. Chatterjee, S. Chatterjee, B. C. Sanders, and U. Sinha
18. Direct determination of entanglement monotones for arbitrary dimensional bipartite states using statistical correlators and one set of complementary measurements arXiv:2201.00131 Debadrita Ghosh, Thomas Jennewein, Urbasi Sinha
19. Relating an entanglement measure with statistical correlators for two-qudit mixed states using only a pair of complementary observables arXiv:2201.06188 Simanraj Sadana, Som Kanjilal, Dipankar Home, Urbasi Sinha
20. Unambiguous joint detection of spatially separated properties of a single photon in the two arms of an interferometer arXiv:2201.11425 Surya Narayan Sahoo, Sanchari Chakraborti, Som Kanjilal, Dipankar Home, Alex Matzkin, Urbasi Sinha
21. Testing quantum foundations with quantum computers Phys. Rev. Research 4, L022001, 2022 Simanraj Sadana, Lorenzo Maccone, and Urbasi Sinha
22. Error-analysis for the Sorkin and Peres tests performed on a quantum computer arXiv:2207.13585 Simanraj Sadana, Lorenzo Maccone, Urbasi Sinha