Institute: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Mohali

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sandeep K. Goyal

Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Arvind

The photonic quantum information processing (QIP) tasks such as linear optical quantum computation, long-distance quantum communication, and quantum repeaters require reliable on-demand single-photon sources. Photonic quantum memories QMs, i.e., the systems capable of storing a single photon, can be used to develop single-photon sources. Hence, constructing efficient and robust QMs would pave the way for performing QIP tasks efficiently.

This project intends to explore the possibilities and limitations of optical systems such as rare-earth ions doped crystals for storing photons at high temperatures. We shall study the effect of temperature on the quality of the quantum memory and develop methods to suppress the noise. Furthermore, this project will yield schemes to store internal degrees of freedom of a single photon in atomic systems which can be used for quantum information processing tasks.

In this project, we shall focus on:

  • studying the effect of the temperature on the QM devices to store single photons.
  • controlling the QM devices by coupling them with ancillary quantum systems.
  • devising the methods to store internal DoFs of a single photon and the effect of thermal bath on the storage.

Publications from this project:

Title of the Paper
1. Robustness of intra-atomic frequency comb based quantum memory against fluctuating environment Scientific Reports, Vol11, 11439 (2021) G. P. Teja, Sandeep K. Goyal
2. Making Noisy Quantum Channels Transparent arXiv:2106.04425 Rajeev Gangwar, Mohit Lal Bera, G. P. Teja, Sandeep K. Goyal, Manabendra Nath Bera
3. A linear optical scheme to implement arbitrary positive operator valued measures arXiv:2106.04160 Jaskaran Singh, Arvind, Sandeep K. Goyal
4. Storing vector-vortex states of light in an intra-atomic frequency-comb quantum memory Phys. Rev. A 104, 043713 Chanchal, G. P. Teja, Christoph Simon, and Sandeep K. Goyal
5. Efficient full state tomography of the orbital angular momentum states of light using Helicity sorter arXiv:2112.06277 Joel M. Sunil, Sandeep K. Goyal
6. Implementation of discrete positive operator valued measures on linear optical systems using cosine-sine decomposition Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013007, 2022 Jaskaran Singh, Arvind, and Sandeep K. Goyal
7. Geometric decomposition of geodesics and null-phase curves using Majorana star representation Phys. Rev. A 105, 052219, 2022 Vikash Mittal, Akhilesh K. S., and Sandeep K. Goyal
8. Geometric phase assisted observation of noninertial cavity-QED effects Phys. Rev. D 106, 045011, 2022 Navdeep Arya, Vikash Mittal, Kinjalk Lochan, and Sandeep K. Goyal
9. Efficient full state tomography of the orbital angular momentum states of light using Helicity sorter arXiv:2112.06277 Joel M. Sunil, Sandeep K. Goyal