Institute: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Mohali

Principal Investigator: Prof. Arvind

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Sandeep K. Goyal

The focus of this project is to explore the utility of Quantum Contextuality for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Protocols and for achieving computational speedup in Quantum Computation Schemes. A related focus is on using weak Quantum Measurement-Based Schemes to perform Tomography and to develop new QKD protocols.

It is now well-known that Quantum Computers offer several computational advantages over their Classical Counterparts for certain classes of Computational Algorithms. While it has been theorized that Quantum Entanglement is a key feature of Quantum Systems which contributes to Computational Speedup on a Quantum Computer, the question is still open and has not been fully resolved. Recently, it has been conjectured that another interesting feature of Quantum Systems namely Quantum Contextuality (which is a generalization of the concept of Quantum Non-Locality) could also be a key computational resource which could be harnessed to make powerful new Quantum Computers.

While Contextuality has been exploited before for Quantum Key Distribution, our group recently proposed a new Quantum Key Distribution Protocol which is based on the KCBS Inequality and Contextuality Monogamy.. In fact in our protocol it is the Monogamy Relations of the KCBS Inequalities which provide the security to the protocol. We have showed that our QKD Protocol is highly robust against any Eavesdropping attack.

This project will first explore the utility of Quantum Contextuality as a resource in developing new QKD Protocols for secure Quantum Communication and as a computational resource in Quantum Computing Algorithms. Concomittantly, the project will also consider using Weak Measurement Based protocols to design Quantum Tomography Schemes and to develop secure QKD Schemes. The later part of the project will focus on developing practical applications of these ideas in terms of experimental protocols which can be designed and tested on different experimental Quantum Technologies. Finally, the major focus of this project is to to put India on the world map in terms of practical applications of Quantum Contextuality to Quantum Secure Communication, Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Computing.

Publications from this project:

Title of the Paper
1. Optimal characterization of Gaussian channels using photon-number-resolving detectors Phys. Rev. A 102, 032415 Chandan Kumar, Ritabrata Sengupta, Arvind
2. Increasing distillable key rate from bound entangled states by using local filtration Phys. Rev. A 102, 032415 Mayank Mishra, Ritabrata Sengupta, and Arvind
3. Continuous-variable Clauser-Horne Bell-type inequality: A tool to unearth the nonlocality of continuous-variable quantum-optical systems Phys. Rev. A 103, 042224 Chandan Kumar, Gaurav Saxena, and Arvind
4. Temperature-dependent maximization of work and efficiency in a degeneracy-assisted quantum Stirling heat engine Phys. Rev. E 103, 062109 Sarbani Chatterjee, Arghadip Koner, Sohini Chatterjee, and Chandan Kumar
5. Revealing quantum contextuality using a single measurement device by generalizing measurement non-contextuality arXiv:2102.00410 Jaskaran Singh, Arvind
6. Implementing efficient selective quantum process tomography of superconducting quantum gates on the IBM quantum processor arXiv:2107.07462 Akshay Gaikwad, Krishna Shende, Arvind, Kavita Dorai
7. Experimental demonstration of the violation of the temporal Peres-Mermin inequality using contextual temporal correlations and noninvasive measurements arXiv:2101.02152 Dileep Singh, Arvind, Kavita Dorai
8. Properties of Spin and Orbital Angular Momenta of Light arXiv:2006.02673 Arvind, S. Chaturvedi, N. Mukunda
9. Realistic non-Gaussian-operation scheme in parity-detection-based Mach-Zehnder quantum interferometry Phys. Rev. A 105, 052437, 2022 Chandan Kumar, Rishabh, and Shikhar Arora
10. Estimation of the Wigner distribution of single-mode Gaussian states: A comparative study Phys. Rev. A 105, 042419, 2022 Chandan Kumar and Arvind
11. Evolution of two-mode quantum states under a dissipative environment: Comparison of the robustness of squeezing and entanglement resources Phys. Rev. A 105, 042405, 2022 Rishabh, Chandan Kumar, Geetu Narang, and Arvind
12. Experimental simulation of a monogamy relation between quantum contextuality and nonlocality on an NMR quantum processor Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 10–11, 100058, 2022 Dileep Singh, Arvind, and Kavita Dorai
13. Implementing efficient selective quantum process tomography of superconducting quantum gates on IBM quantum experience Scientific Reports 12, 3688, 2022 Akshay Gaikwad, Krishna Shende, Arvind, and Kavita Dorai
14. Do weak values capture the complete truth about the past of a quantum particle? Physics Letters A 429, 127955, 2022 Rajendra Singh Bhati and Arvind
15. Implementation of discrete positive operator valued measures on linear optical systems using cosine-sine decomposition Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013007, 2022 Jaskaran Singh, Arvind, and Sandeep K. Goyal