Institute: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Hyderabad

Principal Investigator: Dr. Alok Kumar Pan

Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Guruprasad Kar

Quantum Theory is an astonishing creature. Despite its enormous success as a physical theory, there is still no consensus among physicists about what this theory is saying about the nature of reality. This is one of the many motivations for pursuing research on Quantum Foundations. Another is the development of Quantum Technologies, such as Quantum Computation and Quantum Cryptography by exploiting its peculiar features. A better understanding of the theory facilitates the identification and development of these new technologies and also further the harnessing of the power of Non-Classicality. Another interesting motivation may be singling out some special Non-Classical features that exist in nature providing advantage in some information processing task even if Quantum Theory is replaced by another physical theory in future.

In this boarder perspective, in this project we have chosen four different but interrelated topics which have their root in Quantum Foundations but at the same time provide the Quantum Advantage in developing future technologies. Following are the areas where we shall intensely focus in this project in next five years

  1. Exploring the use of Quantum Contextuality in various scenarios in Quantum Communication.
  2. Weak value induced advantage in Quantum Metrology.
  3. Study of various forms of Uncertainty Relations and its role in Quantum Communication Protocols.

All the above mentioned topics use the Conceptual and Theoretical components of both the Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information Theory. The primary goal of QuEST projects is to develop the Quantum Technologies in our country. In this sub-project, we plan to pursue the theoretical research, so that new and practically feasible communication tasks can be proposed and which can be experimentally implementable by other groups involved in QuEST Programme.

Publications from this project:

Title of the Paper
1. Revealing universal quantum contextuality through communication games Scientific Reports, 9, 1-8 (2019) A.K. Pan
2. Swapping intraphoton entanglement to interphoton entanglement using linear optical devices Phys. Rev. A, 99, 032118 (2019) A.Kumari, A. Ghosh, M. Bera, and A. K. Pan
3. CHSH inequalities with appropriate response function for POVM and their quantum violation Quantum Information Processing, 18, 239 (2019) Asmita Kumari and A. K. Pan
4. Disembodiment of arbitrary number of properties in quantum Cheshire cat experiment European Physical Journal D, 74, 151 (2020) A.K. Pan
5. Probing inequivalent forms of Leggett–Garg inequality in subatomic systems Journal of Physics G,47, 095004 (2020) J. Naikoo, S. Kumari, A.K.Pan and S. Banerjee
6. Interference experiment, anomalous weak value, and Leggett-Garg test of macrorealism Phys. Rev. A, 102, 032206 (2020) A.K. Pan
7. Device-independent certification of the Hilbert-space dimension using a family of Bell expressions Phys. Rev. A, 102,052221 (2020) A.K. Pan and S. S. Mahato
8. Various formulations of inequivalent Leggett-Garg inequalities Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 54, 035301 (2020) Swati Kumari and A.K. Pan
9. Semi-device-independent randomness certification using Mermin’s proof of Kochen–Specker contextuality European Physical Journal D, 75, 98 (2021) A.K. Pan
10. Two definitions of maximally ψ-epistemic ontological model and preparation non-contextuality EPL, 133, 50004 (2021) A.K. Pan
11. PT symmetric evolution, coherence and violation of Leggett–Garg inequalities Journal of Physics A: 54, 245303 (2021) J. Naikoo, S. Kumari, A.K.Pan and S. Banerjee
12. Direct experimental test of commutation relation via imaginary weak value Physical Review Research, 3, 023243 (2021) R. Wagner, W. Kersten, A. Danner, H. Lemmel, A. K. Pan, S. Sponar
13. Luder rule, von Neumann rule and Cirelson's bound of Bell CHSH inequality arXiv:2012.13880 A. Kumari and A. K. Pan
14. Projective measurements under qubit quantum channels arXiv:2103.00974 J. Naikoo, S. Banerjee, A. K. Pan, S. Ghosh
15. Sharing non-locality and non-trivial preparation contextuality using same family of Bell expressions Phys. Rev. A 100, 062130(2019) Asmita Kumari, A. K. Pan
16. Oblivious communication game, self-testing of projective and non-projective measurements and certification of randomness Phys.Rev.A 104 (2021) 022212 A.K. Pan
17. Generalizedn-locality inequalities in a star-network configuration and their optimal quantum violations Physical Review A (IF2.971), 2021 Sneha Munshi, Rahul Kumar, A. K. Pan
18. Semi-device-independent certification of multiple unsharpness parameters through sequential measurements Phys. Rev. A 104, 062214, 2021 Sumit Mukherjee and A. K. Pan
19. Characterizing nonlocal correlations through various n-locality inequalities in a quantum network Phys. Rev. A 105, 032216, 2022 Sneha Munshi and A. K. Pan
20. Quantum violations of Lüders bound Leggett-Garg inequalities for quantum channel J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 135301 Asmita Kumari and A K Pan
21. Lüders Bounds of Leggett–Garg Inequalities,PT- Symmetric Evolution and Arrow-of-Time J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 135301 Asmita Kumari, A. K. Pan
22. Characterizing nonlocal correlations through various n-locality inequalities in a quantum network Phys. Rev. A 105, 032216, 2022 Sneha Munshi and A. K. Pan