Institute: Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore

Principal Investigator: Dr. Varun Raghunathan

Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. T. Srinivas

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Gopalkrishna Hegde

Integrated Quantum Photonics has the potential of realizing Complex Quantum Circuits for performing Quantum Light Generation, Manipulation and Detection in small foot-print and at high efficiencies.

As part of the QuEST Project: Sources for Quantum Information Processing (Q-39), we are working on the Integrated Photonic Building-Blocks such as Quantum Light Sources and Manipulation Optical Devices to be used in Quantum Communication and Sensing.

Publications from this project:

Title of the Paper
1. Nonlinear Optics in Dielectric Guided-Mode Resonant Structures and Resonant Metasurfaces MDPI Micromachines, 11 (4),449 V.Raghunathan, J. Deka, S. Menon, R.Biswas, Lal Krishna A.S.
2. Polarization independent enhancement of zeroth order diffracted second harmonic from multilayer gallium selenide on a silicon resonant metasurface Optics Express, 28(24), 35695-35707 J. Deka, M. Dandu, Lal Krishna A.S., S. Menon, Jyothsna K.M., R. Biswas, K. Majumdar, V. Raghunathan
3. Resonant mode engineering in silicon compatible multilayer guided-mode resonance structures under Gaussian beam excitation condition Journal of Optics S. Menon, A. Prosad, Lal Krishna A.S, R. Biswas, V. Raghunathan
4. Polarization-independent angle-tolerant mid-infrared spectral resonance using amorphous germanium high contrast gratings for notch filtering application OSA Continuum Vol. 3, Issue 5, pp. 1194-1203 (2020) Lal Krishna A. S., Viphretuo Mere, Shankar Kumar Selvaraja, and Varun Raghunathan
5. Strong near band-edge excited second-harmonic generation from multilayer 2H Tin diselenide Scientific Reports volume 11: 15017 (2021) R. Biswas, M. Dandu, A. Prosad, S. Das, S. Menon, J. Deka, K. Majumdar, V. Raghunathan
6. Mid-infrared quasi-BIC resonances with sub-wavelength slot mode profiles in germanium-based coupled guided-mode resonance structures Photonics Research Vol. 10, Issue 1, pp. 68-75 (2022) A. S. Lal Krishna, Sruti Menon, Asish Prosad, and Varun Raghunathan
7. Third harmonic generation enhancement from silicon-based multilayer guided mode resonance structures under a conical mounting condition Optics Continuum Vol. 1, 5,1015-1026 (2022) Sruti Menon, K. M. Jyothsna, Rabindra Biswas, Asish Prosad, A. S. Lal Krishna, and Varun Raghunathan
8. Third harmonic generation enhancement from silicon-based multilayer guided mode resonance structures under a conical mounting condition Optics Continuum Vol. 1, 5,1015-1026 (2022) Sruti Menon, K. M. Jyothsna, Rabindra Biswas, Asish Prosad, A. S. Lal Krishna, and Varun Raghunathan
9. High spectral contrast chiral second-harmonic generation from multilayer gallium selenide coupled to silicon holey disk metasurfaces Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol. 39, 3, 828-834 (2022) Jayanta Deka and Varun Raghunathan