Institute: Institute of Physics (IoP), Bhubaneswar

Principal Investigator: Prof. Pankaj Agrawal

Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Arun Kumar Pati

Quantum Computation and Quantum Information is an interdisciplinary frontier area of research. This research involves working in following areas:

  • Quantum Correlations: Despite a lot of activities in last few decades, we are still far from understanding the correlations in bipartite mixed states and multipartite states. Issue has also been if there are Quantum Correlations beyond Entanglement. We have been working in this area, and plan to continue to work towards better understanding of nature of correlations and how to quantify them. Characterization, Quantification, and Manipulation of Correlations in a Quantum System can have far-reaching Technological Ramifications.

  • Quantum Nonlocality and Contextuality: These are enduring mysteries of Quantum Mechanical Formalism. There are also systems like Popescu-Rohrlich box, which display more nonlocality than a Quantum System. Understanding of this phenomenon is again lacking beyond Bipartite Pure States. For mixed states there is a phenomenon of hidden nonlocality. For Multipartite states, there are multiple notions of nonlocality. We plan to continue working in this area for better understanding of entanglement and nonlocality. Contextuality is less mysterious. Its better understanding and exploitations for Quantum advantage can be further explored.

  • Quantum Communication Protocols: One of the triumph of this field has been introduction of new means of communications using entanglement as a resource. We plan to explore protocols, such as Secret Sharing, in Multipartite Settings. Some of our earlier proposals can be implemented experimentally. Our endeavour will remain to find something practical that can be implemented in a laboratory. We also intend to work in the area of Cryptography and look for protocols using Multipartite and Higher Dimensional Quantum Systems.

Publications from this project:

Title of the Paper
1. Resource state structure for cooperative quantum key distribution Eur. Phys. J. D (2020) 74:91 Arpan Das, Sumit Nandi, Sk Sazim, Pankaj Agrawal
2. Entanglement dependent bounds on conditional-variance uncertainty relations arXiv preprint arXiv: 1909. 11486 Shrobona Bagchi, Chandan Datta, Pankaj Agrawal
3. Quantum mutual information and quantumness vectors for multi-qubit systems Quantum Inf Process 19 216 (2020) Sk Sazim and Pankaj Agrawal