Institute: Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Pryagraj(Allahbad)

Principal Investigator: Prof. Aditi Sen De

Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Arun Kumar Pati

Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Ujjwal Sen

Communication is a process by which information, which can be Classical as well as Quantum, is transferred from a sender to a receiver. Over the past few years, it has been realized that the performance of communication can be enhanced, sometimes even Qualitatively, by using channels that observe Quantum Mechanical Laws. The aim of this project is to build a Quantum Network which considers Classical Information and Quantum State Transmission over a Quantum Channel, shared by multiple senders and receivers without security.

At the same time, Quantum Channels that are currently feasible in the laboratory, e.g. Gaussian channels, channels formed on Spin Lattices, etc. will be explored in this project. Another objective is to deal with Quantum Communication Protocols with Security, namely Quantum Cryptographic Schemes in the multi-user domain (i.e. beyond the single sender and single-receiver scenario). This project will analyse Securities of Quantum Cryptography Schemes in a network involving multiple senders as well as multiple receivers.

Publications from this project:

Title of the Paper
1. Multipartite entanglement at dynamical quantum phase transitions with nonuniformly spaced criticalities Phys. Rev. B 101, 224304, 2020 Stav Haldar, Saptarshi Roy, Titas Chanda, Aditi Sen(De), and Ujjwal Sen
2. Performance of dense coding and teleportation for random states: Augmentation via preprocessing Phys. Rev. A 103, 032608, 2021 Rivu Gupta, Shashank Gupta, Shiladitya Mal, and Aditi Sen(De)
3. Detection loophole in measurement-device-independent entanglement witnesses Phys. Rev. A 103, 032415, 2021 Kornikar Sen, Chirag Srivastava, Shiladitya Mal, Aditi Sen(De), and Ujjwal Sen
4. Sequential measurement- device- independent entanglement detection by multiple observers Phys. Rev. A 103, 032408, 2021 Chirag Srivastava, Shiladitya Mal, Aditi Sen(De), and Ujjwal Sen
5. Spreading nonlocality in a quantum network Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043355, 2020 Ratul Banerjee, Srijon Ghosh, Shiladitya Mal, and Aditi Sen(De)
6. Response of macroscopic and microscopic dynamical quantifiers to the quantum critical region Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033249, 2020 Stav Haldar, Saptarshi Roy, Titas Chanda, and Aditi Sen(De)
7. Computable genuine multimode entanglement measure: Gaussian versus non-Gaussian Phys. Rev. A 102, 012421, 2020 Saptarshi Roy, Tamoghna Das, and Aditi Sen(De)
8. Recycling the resource: Sequential usage of shared state in quantum teleportation with weak measurements Phys.Lett.A 392,127143 (2021) S. Roy, A. Bera, S.Mal, A. Sen(De), and U. Sen
9. How efficient is transport of quantum cargo through multiple highways? Annals of Physics, 422,168281 (2020) S. Roy, T. Das, D. Das,A. Sen(De), and U. Sen
10. Hierarchies of localizable entanglement due to spatial distribution of local noise Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023035 2022 Ratul Banerjee, Amit Kumar Pal, and Aditi Sen(De)
11. Dimensional enhancements in a quantum battery with imperfections Phys. Rev. A 105, 022628, 2022 Srijon Ghosh and Aditi Sen(De)
12. Designing robust quantum refrigerators in disordered spin models Phys. Rev. A 105, 022214, 2022 Tanoy Kanti Konar, Srijon Ghosh, Amit Kumar Pal, and Aditi Sen(De)
13. Gain in performance of teleportation with uniformity-breaking distributions Phys. Rev. A 105, 022610, 2022 Saptarshi Roy, Shiladitya Mal, and Aditi Sen(De)
14. Constructive feedback of non-Markovianity on resources in random quantum states Phys. Rev. A 105, 012424, 2022 Rivu Gupta, Shashank Gupta, Shiladitya Mal, and Aditi Sen(De)
15. Measurement-based multipartite entanglement inflation Phys. Rev. A 104, 062412, 2021 Pritam Halder, Shiladitya Mal, and Aditi Sen(De)
16. Detection of an unbroken phase of a non-Hermitian system via a Hermitian factorization surface Phys. Rev. A 104, 052222, 2021 Leela Ganesh Chandra Lakkaraju and Aditi Sen(De)
17. Distribution of entanglement with variable range interactions Phys. Lett. A 418, 127703 (2021) L.G. C. Lakkaraju, S. Ghosh, S. Roy and A. Sen(De)
18. Efficient nonlinear witnessing of non–absolutely separable states with lossy detectors Phys. Rev. A 104, 032427, 2021 Ayan Patra, Shiladitya Mal, and Aditi Sen(De)
19. Fast charging of a quantum battery assisted by noise Phys. Rev. A 104, 032207, 2021 Srijon Ghosh, Titas Chanda, Shiladitya Mal, and Aditi Sen(De)
20. Three qubits in less than three baths: Beyond two-body system-bath interactions in quantum refrigerators Phys. Rev. A 104, 042208, 2021 Ahana Ghoshal, Sreetama Das, Amit Kumar Pal, Aditi Sen(De), and Ujjwal Sen
21. Noisy quantum input loophole in measurement-device-independent entanglement witnesses Phys. Rev. A 104, 012429, 2021 Kornikar Sen, Chirag Srivastava, Shiladitya Mal, Aditi Sen(De), and Ujjwal Sen
22. Characterizing the boundary of the set of absolutely separable states and their generation via noisy environments Phys. Rev. A 103, 052431, 2021 Saronath Halder, Shiladitya Mal, and Aditi Sen(De)
23. Restrictions on shareability of classical correlations for random multipartite quantum states Phys. Rev. A 103, 052401, 2021 Saptarshi Roy, Shiladitya Mal, and Aditi Sen(De)