Institute: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

Principal Investigator: Dr. Anand Kumar Jha

The high-dimensional quantum information protocols are extremely important as they offer several unique advantages compared to the traditional two-dimensional protocols based on polarization of photons. Among all the available high-dimensional bases, the orbital angular momentum (OAM) basis seems to hold a lot of promise. One of the main challenges in the implementation of any classical/quantum information protocol based on the high-dimensional OAM basis of photons is the measurement of the state of an unknown light field in the OAM basis. The existing methods for measuring a state in the high-dimensional OAM basis suffer from either poor efficiency or strict interferometric stability requirements or too much loss.

Accordingly, the first main objective of this proposal is to find efficient techniques by which high-dimensional quantum states can be prepared and measured with near-perfect fidelity. The second major challenge in exploiting the high-dimensional quantum state is the quantification of correlations in a high-dimensional quantum state. Even some of the available correlation witnesses and quantifiers are not easy to measure. So, as our second objective in this proposal, we will develop experimentally realizable techniques for characterizing the degree of quantum correlations in the high-dimensional quantum states.

Publications from this project:

Title of the Paper
1. Phase matching in β-barium borate crystals for spontaneous parametric down-conversion Journal of Optics 22, 083501(2020) S. Karan,, S. Aarav, H. Bharadhwaj, L. Taneja, A. De, G. Kulkarni, N. Meher, A. K. Jha
2. Dependence of the photon statistics of down-converted field-modes on the photon statistics of the pump field-mode JOSA B 37, 2248 (2020) Nilakantha Meher and Anand K. Jha
3. Experimental demonstration of structural robustness of spatially partially coherent fields in turbulence Optics Letters 45, 4068 (2020) Abhinandan Bhattacharjee and Anand K. Jha
4. Measurement of Pure States of Light in the Orbital-Angular-Momentum Basis Using Nine Multipixel Image Acquisitions Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 054077,2020 Girish Kulkarni, Suman Karan, and Anand K. Jha
5. Intrinsic degree of coherence of two-qubit states and measures of two-particle quantum correlations JOSA B 37, 1224 (2020) Nilakantha Meher, Abu Saleh Musa Patoary, Girish Kulkarni, and Anand K. Jha
6. Controlling propagation of spatial coherence for enhanced imaging through scattering media Phys. Rev. A 101, 043839, 2020 Abhinandan Bhattacharjee, Shaurya Aarav, Harshawardhan Wanare, and Anand K. Jha
7. Intrinsic degree of coherence of classical and quantum states JOSA B 36, 2765 (2019) Abu Saleh Musa Patoary, Girish Kulkarni, and Anand K. Jha
8. Measurement of two-photon position-momentum EPR correlations through single-photon intensity measurements arXiv:2102.04356 Abhinandan Bhattacharjee, Nilakantha Meher, Anand K. Jha
9. Quantifying polarization changes induced by rotating Dove prisms and K-mirrors Applied Optics Vol. 61, 28, 8302-8307 (2022) Suman Karan, Ruchi, Pranay Mohta, and Anand K. Jha
10. Postselection-free controlled generation of high-dimensional OAM entangled state arXiv:2203.14799 Suman Karan, Radhika Prasad, Anand K. Jha
11. Propagation-induced entanglement revival arXiv:2111.04420 Abhinandan Bhattacharjee, Mritunjay K. Joshi, Suman Karan, Jonathan Leach, Anand K. Jha
12. Direct Measurement of Atomic Entanglement via Cavity Photon Statistics Annalen Der Physik 2100395(2022) Nilakantha Meher, Mishkatul Bhattacharya, Anand K. Jha